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Archived from on 15 March 2012. The interior decoration is quite nice and elegant and the top floor of the building is rotating so you can have a good view over all parts of the city and suburbs as the evening goes on. It is also the de jure capital of another entity,.

Sarajevo industries now include tobacco products, furniture, hosiery, automobiles, and communication equipment. Roughly 85% of Bosnia's Jewish population would perish at the hands of the Nazis and the Ustaše during the. Retrieved on 19 August 2006.

- The is the region's largest and most diverse of its kind.

Arhitektonsko remek djelo Faruka Kapidžića, te građevinski poduhvat više od 200 građevinskih i drugih kompanija iz BiH i njihovih više hiljada radnika — Avaz Twist Tower, najviša je zgrada u regionu i jedan od naspektakularnijih objekata u cijeloj Evropi. Impozantni toranj ukupne visine od čak 175 metara, koji raspolaže sa 32. Otvoren je u maju 2009. Utemeljen na 30 metara ispod površine zemlje, Avaz Twist Tower nosi 23. Unutar tornja instalirano je više od 10. Fasada je montirana od više od 200. Izgradnja ovakvog spektakularnog zdanja u srcu Sarajeva odraz je ustrajnog napora da se mijenja slika glavnog grada BiH, te da bude primjer i putokaz i drugim investitorima. Naime, posebnu atrakciju tornja predstavlja na vrhu tornja. Do vidikovca se stiže jednim od najbržih liftova u Evropi, što se do njega uspinju brzinom od čak pet metara u sekundi. S vrha tornja se pruža veličanstven pogled na bh. U novogodišnjim praznicima, vidikovac, odnosno Avaz Twist Tower posjetilo je i do 10. Inače, za ovu prestižnu nagradu apliciralo je više od 140 objekata iz 70 zemalja.

Interesantno, Der Standard Avaz Tvist Tower uvrstio na listu najljepših građevina na svijetu
These include respondents being encouraged by census interviewers to identity as belonging to one of the three constituent peoples. At the time of the 1991 census, 49. From 2 May 1992, the Serbs the city. While Sarajevo had a large industrial base during its communist period, only a few pre-existing businesses have successfully adapted to the. In 2011, Sarajevo was nominated to be the in 2014 and will be hosting the. Sarajevo grew rapidly as it became an important regional industrial center in Yugoslavia. Group of the European People's Party Christian Democrats in the European Parliament.